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540 Sick Leave

Authority: Approved by the Board of Trustees
Last Updated: June 11, 2015
540.1 Faculty and Staff
  • 540.1.1  Pay to Benefits Eligible Faculty & Staff.  In case of illness, sick leave with pay will be granted to benefits-eligible faculty and staff.
  • 540.1.2  Allocation of Sick Time.  Sick leave with pay will be granted all benefits-eligible faculty and staff on the basis of the accrual of twelve (12) working days per fiscal year (July 1 through June 30).  Each pay period the available sick leave accumulation is shown in hours on the paycheck detail accessible through the MyISU portal.  For employees who are in docked pay status (no pay), there will be no sick leave accrual during the time the employee is not paid.
  • 540.1.3  Less Than Full Time Receive Pro Rata.  Regular employees who are normally scheduled to work fewer than 37.5 hours per week will earn sick leave on a pro-rata basis. Sick leave appears in hours on the paycheck detail accessible through the MyISU portal.
  • 540.1.4  No Sick Leave during Initial Employment Period.  Sick leave hours will be earned but not available for use until the employee has satisfied the initial three month new employee introductory period.
  • 540.1.5  No Cash Out upon Employment Separation.  Upon separation from the University, accumulated sick leave will not be paid.
  • 540.1.6  Responsibility for Administration.  It is the responsibility of department chairpersons and the heads of administrative divisions to report any leave of their respective employees to the Payroll Office on the appropriate time reporting system. Sick leave is not intended as earned time off with pay and will not be granted except for bona fide illness. The University may require appropriate medical evidence as confirmation.
  • 540.1.7  Pregnancy or other Medical Inability to Work.  Sickness related to pregnancy or medically determined inability to work due to pregnancy is given the same consideration for sick leave with pay as other sickness or injury. Sick leave may be used until the date released for work by the physician. Any additional time off after the work release date will be charged as vacation, if available, or leave without pay. FMLA time will be included in the times specified in the family leave policy.
  • 540.1.8  Integration of Sick Leave Accrual with Disability Waiting Period.  Sick leave with pay, if accumulated, will be used during the total disability benefits waiting period.  However, use of sick leave with pay will not be permitted beyond the effective date of eligibility for disability benefits.
  • 540.1.9  Sick Leave to Care for Immediate Family Member.  Up to five (5) days of sick leave per fiscal year (July through June) may be used due to the illness and care of an immediate family member regardless of whether the family member resides in the immediate household. An immediate family member includes spouse/partner, parents, children or siblings.
  • 540.1.10  Use of Sick Leave with FMLA.  If an employee has been away from work for three (3) consecutive days for the same diagnosis, the supervisor or employee should contact Employee Benefits for FMLA paperwork.  Sick leave usage and FMLA approved time run concurrently.  Employees should not utilize sick leave without implementing FMLA when there is an FMLA eligible diagnosis.  For a serious health condition of a family member that has been approved under the FMLA, accumulated sick leave may be used in excess of the five (5) days indicated above. No more than an additional 15 days (for a total of 20 days) may be used for a serious family health condition during a fiscal year. Verification of such illnesses may be required. It is the responsibility of the department chairperson or head of the division to monitor use of family sick leave each year.
  • 540.1.11  Absences after Sick Leave Exhausted.  Any absence due to illness after all accumulated sick leave has been exhausted will be considered leave without pay unless such absence qualifies for sick leave transfer.  It is the responsibility of the employee to inform the University about the progress of the illness or injury and probable return to work date.
  • 540.1.12  Sick Leave Transfer.  Employees are allowed to donate up to four (4) weeks each fiscal year to individuals who have a FMLA covered health conditions and have exhausted all accumulated sick leave/vacation/convenience days.  The donor of sick leave is limited to a total donation of four (4) weeks per fiscal year and the donor’s sick leave balance must have a minimum of two (2) weeks remaining after the donation.  The recipient of the sick leave must have exhausted all accumulated leave time and may receive a maximum of twelve (12) weeks of donated sick leave per fiscal year.  The donation can be either 75 hours for regular schedules or 80 hours for employees working in 24 hour operations.
  • 540.1.13  Extraordinary Cases.  In cases of serious illness which extend beyond the accumulated sick leave period, special sick leave with pay may be granted only on recommendation of the University President and the approval of the ISU Board of Trustees.
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