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505 Compensation

Authority: Approved by the Board of Trustees
Last Updated: July 29, 2022
505.1 Approval of Annual Salary Guidelines

The ISU Board of Trustees reviews and approves annually salary guidelines.

  • 505.1.1 Preparation of Guidelines for Trustee Consideration. Guidelines for salary increases, salary structures and performance criteria are established annually by the University President in consultation with the vice presidents to achieve University objectives and provide for individual growth and reward.
  • 505.1.2 Objective of Compensation Program. It is the objective of the compensation program to maintain salaries that are comparable to and competitive with similar positions in other higher educational institutions and local industry.
  • 505.1.3 Compensation Dependent on Appropriations. Budgeted funds for compensation are of necessity dependent upon resources available from state appropriations.
  • 505.1.4 ISU Trustee Compensation Resolution. The ISU Board of Trustees adopted the following resolution September 3, 1976:
    • BE IT RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees of Indiana State University desires to give recognition at all times to outstanding performance by the members of the faculty and staff of the University of their assignment; and that in implementation thereof, the Board of Trustees supports the policy of including an increment for merit in granting salary increases whenever and to the extent as is determined appropriate and feasible at such times.


505.2 Faculty Compensation

Regular Faculty and Temporary Faculty are paid on the basis of individually established salaries, determined through a consideration of general criteria that provides needed flexibility in salary matters and involves the judgment and recommendations of the University Faculty Senate, the department chairpersons, the academic deans, the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs and the University President. 

505.3 Exempt Staff Compensation

Exempt staff are compensated in accordance with a salary classification system approved by the ISU Board of Trustees.

  • 505.3.1 Pay Classification Evaluation. Position pay classifications for Exempt Staff are established in accordance with written guidelines and evaluated to determine their relative value based on institutional objectives.
  • 505.3.2 Determination of Annual Salaries. Annual salaries for Exempt Staff are determined by each vice president, and recommended to the University President, based upon performance and other established criteria.
505.4 Non-exempt Compensation

Non-exempt Staff are compensated on an hourly basis in accordance with established salary schedules, approved by the ISU Board of Trustees, that are based on position classifications and pay ranges.

  • 505.4.1 Annual Review. Salary schedules, position classifications, and pay ranges shall be reviewed each year with the Support Staff Council.
505.5 Student Compensation

Students are employed in temporary positions on campus, and paid on an hourly basis in accordance with the established student wage scale for each type of work.

  • 505.5.1 Students Ineligible for Benefits. Students are not eligible to participate in the employee benefits program nor are they entitled to payment for sick leave, vacation, or holidays.
505.6 Payroll Deductions
  • 505.6.1 Various Required Deductions from Pay. Deductions from pay are made, when appropriate, for federal income tax, state income tax, local county tax, social security taxes, insurance contributions, and the Indiana Public Retirement System.
  • 505.6.2 Various Elective Deductions from Pay. Employees may also request deductions for contributions to the United Way and ISU Foundation, purchase of annual parking fees and other items that become available from time-to-time.
  • 505.6.3 Elective Payroll Reductions. Elective payroll reductions may be elected by qualified employees for tax-deferred annuities, health and vision coverages and annual parking fees.
505.7 Payroll Direct Deposit

All pay shall be deposited directly in an account in a financial institution designated by the employee.

505.8 Faculty Salary Floors
  1. Salary Floors and Adjustments. Salary floors have been established for full-time, tenure-track faculty ranks. Annual adjustments are made to these floors as follows:
  2. First Year of Biennium. At the end of the first year of a biennium, the floors will be adjusted by an amount equal to the across-the-board percentage increase for faculty members whose performance has met expectations.
  3. Second Year of Biennium. At the end of the second year of a biennium, the floors will be adjusted by the minimum dollar adjustment for faculty members whose performance has met expectations.
  4. Information Found in Office of Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs. Detailed information on faculty salary floors during a particular academic year is available from the Office of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs.
505.9 Overload Teaching
  • 505.9.1 Pre-established Overload Teaching Pay Rate. In emergency situations, full-time tenured or tenure-track faculty members may agree to teach a course or a section of a course in addition to the regular teaching schedule. Pay for such extra teaching responsibility is based upon an established overload teaching pay rate approved by the ISU Board of Trustees and available from the Office of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs.
  • 505.9.2 Appropriate Authorization Required for Additional Compensation. Fiscal year faculty members or exempt staff may not receive additional compensation for teaching classes, research or other contract purposes without prior authorization by the appropriate vice president’s office. Click here to access Fiscal Employee Approval Form.
505.10 Faculty Promotion Increments

Salary increments are provided to faculty members who are awarded a promotion in rank. Detailed information on promotion increments during a particular academic year is available from the Office of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs.

505.11 Faculty Credit for Additional Training

Salary increments for faculty are allowed for graduate study completed during an academic year or summer session or for the completion of the doctoral degree.

505.12 Summer Sessions
  • 505.12.1 Summer Term Salaries Based on Teaching Load. Summer term salaries are based on the number of credit hours (or equivalent) taught.
  • 505.12.2 Summer Term Rate of Pay. The rate of payment shall be a flat fee based upon rank.
  1. Pay shall be as follows: Assistant Professors, Associate Professors, and Full Professors: 3% of the salary floor for their respective rank, per credit.  Senior Instructors: 2.75% of the salary floor for Assistant Professors, per credit. Instructors: 2.5% of the salary floor for Assistant Professors, per credit.  Lecturers’ pay shall be consistent with their compensation for Fall and Spring semester courses. 
  2. Faculty teaching arranged/independent study sections will be paid a flat stipend per student. Rate shall be $300 - $400 per student up to a maximum of $2500. The rate shall be determined based upon the amount of time and effort put into instruction.
  • 505.12.3 Enrollment Guidelines Must Be Met. Summer session courses are subject to meeting minimum enrollment guidelines of the University (8 for undergraduate courses and 6 for graduate courses). If a course does not meet the minimum enrollment guidelines, the department chair may offer a faculty member the opportunity to teach at the course utilizing the arranged/independent study model presented in Section 505.12.2.
  • 505.12.4 Summer Term Teaching Assignments. Department chairs are responsible for scheduling department courses and for appointing faculty to teaching assignments.
  • 505.12.5 Timing of Pay. Summer session faculty receive compensation following completion of the teaching assignment.
505.13 Off-Campus Classes
  • 505.13.1 General. Off-campus classes, depending on the circumstances, may be taught in addition to the regular teaching load, or may be carried as part of a faculty member's regular class load.
  • 505.13.2 Extra Pay. If extra pay is authorized, it is based on credit hours taught, travel distance, and academic rank. The per-credit-hour stipends will be increased by a distance supplement. The compensation schedule for off-campus classes is available in the Continuing Education Office.
  • 505.13.3 Pay for Temporary Faculty. Temporary Faculty members are to receive the base rate for Temporary Faculty, unless there has been approval by the department and dean to identify the person at a higher rank. No distance supplement is to apply to Temporary Faculty.
  • 505.13.4 Timing of Pay. Pay for off-campus classes is generally issued at regular intervals during the semester.
  • 505.13.5 Use of University Vehicles. University vehicles are provided for travel. In the event it is necessary to utilize a personal vehicle, reimbursement is made at the standard University mileage rate.
  • 505.13.6 Subsistence Pay. A subsistence allowance is paid in accordance with University travel regulations when one-way travel exceeds 50 miles and when the trip begins before 5:00 p.m. and ends after 8:00 p.m.
  • 505.13.7 Responsibility for Preparation and Administration of Class Schedules. The Dean of Extended Learning prepares the class schedules for off-campus classes in cooperation with other academic units of the University, deposits tuition payments therefore to the University General Fund, prepares pay vouchers, and certifies travel vouchers. The Dean is also authorized to coordinate all negotiations for special credit programs with external organizations or agencies and to handle all administrative matters necessary to expedite the conduct of each program.
505.14 Distance Education Courses
  • 505.14.1 General. The Dean of Extended Learning facilitates development and delivery of distance education courses offered via distance learning.
  • 505.14.2 Pay for Development and Teaching. Pay for development and teaching of these courses is based on the university-approved schedule and is contingent on course approval by the academic department chair and the Dean of Extended Learning. Reimbursement for development and delivery of all distance education courses is determined by existing program and course partnership agreements approved by the academic unit and the Division of Extended Learning.
505.15 Workforce Development Program
  • 505.15.1 General. The Workforce Development Program (WDP) is designed to enable the University to respond to the needs of business, industry, and other organizations, for education and training programs.
  • 505.15.2 Selection for Participation. Faculty will be selected for a given project by the academic unit.
  • 505.15.3 Stipends for Participation. Faculty stipends will be based on 2.5 per cent per credit hour of the faculty member’s base appointment, academic year salary. Non-credit stipends will be based on 2.5 per cent of the faculty member’s base appointment, academic year salary for each 15 hours of student classroom contact.
  • 505.15.4 Other Fiscal Arrangements. After all WDP expenses are paid for each program/course/workshop, any remaining “net” balance will be equally divided by the sponsoring academic unit and the Division of Extended Learning.
505.16 Temporary Faculty
  • 505.16.1 Full-Time Lecturer.
    • 505.16.1.1 Salary Increase Practices. Continuing Lecturers shall be provided salary increases comparable to those awarded to Regular Faculty.
    • 505.16.1.2 Workload Adjustment Practices. If Lecturers are required to perform additional duties not articulated in writing at the time of appointment, they should receive additional compensation or workload adjustment.
  • 505.16.2 Part-Time Lecturer.
    • 505.16.2.1 Pay Practices. Lecturers are paid according to an established pay schedule approved by the ISU Board of Trustees and available from the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Office.
    • 505.16.2.2 Salary Increase Practices. Continuing Part-Time Lecturers should be provided salary increases comparable to those awarded to Regular Faculty.
    • 505.16.2.3 Workload Adjustment Practices. If part-time Lecturers are required to perform additional duties not articulated in writing at the time of appointment, they should receive additional compensation or workload adjustment.
505.17 Graduate Assistantships and University Fellowships
  • 505.17.1 Appointment Made at Department and Unit Level. The University appoints a number of assistants and fellows through its academic departments and administrative units.
  • 505.17.2 Rate of Pay. Those individuals seeking information on the remuneration and the availability of appointments should contact the appropriate unit or the College of Graduate and Professional Studies.
505.18 Conferences/Seminars/Workshops/Camps
  • 505.18.1 Purpose and Administrative Responsibility. Conferences, seminars, workshops and camps are arranged for business, educational, industrial and association groups. The Community Engagement Director is authorized to coordinate such programs of instruction, including the terms of the contract in cooperation with respective academic or administrative departments and the sponsoring agency.
  • 505.18.2 Determination and Administration of Budget. The academic unit, the sponsor and the authorized University representative determine the budget. Registration fees and other funding sources can be arranged to support the event. All incoming monies are deposited into the income account of the appropriate office within the Center for Community Engagement and are used to offset expenses incurred.
  • 505.18.3 ISU Faculty May Participate. A University faculty member may be scheduled as a guest presenter or instructor during a conference, seminar, workshop, or camp.
    • 505.18.3.1 Negotiation of Fee for ISU Faculty Participation. The event sponsor negotiates the terms of the agreement and the fee.
    • 505.18.3.2 Payment Authorization for ISU Faculty Involvement. The Center for Community Engagement authorizes payment for the guest presenter/instructor.
505.19 High School Summer Honors Program
  • 505.19.1 Determination of Pay. Summer honors program salaries are calculated on the same basis as summer term salaries.
  • 505.19.2 Minimum Enrollment Requirements. Summer honors seminars are subject to meeting minimum summer session enrollment guidelines of the University. Faculty teaching a summer honors seminar with below minimum enrollment may be offered a pro-rated stipend in order for the seminar to continue.
505.20 Non-Credit Courses
  • 505.20.1 General. Each spring and fall semester a non-credit course catalog is developed featuring a diverse offering of evening and weekend classes promoting personal enrichment and professional enhancement. Target audiences range in age from young children to senior citizens.
  • 505.20.2 Instructor Eligibility and Administration. University faculty, staff, and graduate students, as well as community professionals, may apply to teach non-credit courses. The Center for Community Engagement approves all courses, schedules, instructors and pay rates.
505.21 Part-time Student Employees

Students desiring employment should apply in the Student Employment Office located in the Career Center. Department heads desiring student help are urged to notify the Student Employment Office for recommendation of eligible students seeking employment.

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